Curso: The water footprint


MODALIDAD: 100% Online | PRECIO: 275€


Once the training programme has been successfully completed, the following qualification will be obtained:

The Certificate of The water footprint.This qualification will be issuedby Bureau Veritas Business School.

Why take this course?

Water is a scarce natural resource. It is estimated that in the coming years, at the current rate of consumption, one third of the world's population will face drastic repercussions of a lack of water. This is why water management plays a fundamental role in any environmental policy.

In this context, the concept of the water footprint – an indicator of water use that takes into account both the direct use of water by organisations and the indirect use by consumers and producers.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at:

  • Directors and managers: Leaders seeking sustainable and effective strategies for proper environmental management.
  • Technical professionals: Specialists who need to update their water-management skills through water-footprint assessment.
  • Administrative staff: Employees who contribute to the implementation of sustainable water-management policies and practices within their organisations.
  • Entrepreneurs: Innovators seeking to integrate water-footprint assessment into new projects or businesses.
  • Environmental-sector professionals: Experts who want to expand their influence and leadership in water management.
  • Consultants and advisors: Sustainability specialists providing guidance for proper water management.
  • Public officials: Decision-makers in the areas of sustainability and water management.

What will you achieve through the course?

Once you have completed the training course, you will be able to:

  • Describe aquatic ecosystems.
  • Explain the issue of water pollution.
  • Define the water-footprint concept.
  • Understand the contextual framework for the development of the ISO 14046 standard and identify its advantages.
  • Define the concept of the water footprint and understand the principles that should govern decisions regarding its study according to ISO 14046.
  • Determine the phases of the water-footprint assessment.
  • Select the information to be included in the water-footprint assessment report.

Why does Bureau Veritas recommend it?

This training activity allows us to understand the issues of proper water management, by assessing the hydraulic footprint according to the main international reference standards – including ISO 14046 Environmental Management. Water Footprint. Principles, Requirements and Guidelines.

This course opens the doors to new professional opportunities in the field of environmental protection. Don't miss this opportunity and become an agent of change.

Programa del curso

The water footprint

1. The hydraulic footprint.

Aquatic ecosystems.

Issue of water pollution.

Water footprint.

2. The water footprint, ISO 14046.

Fundamentals of ISO 14046.

Water-footprint assessment methodology according to ISO 14046.

Water-footprint assessment report.

Campus virtual y metodología de aprendizaje

Recursos didácticos diseñados para ti

Las nuevas tecnologías y la globalización hacen que todo cambie cada vez con más rapidez ¿por qué no adaptar la forma de estudiar?

  • Un proyecto académico basado en el desarrollo de competencias.
  • Un innovador sistema de aprendizaje basado en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías que te permite adquirir los conocimientos del programa y competencias clave en el uso de las TIC.
  • Un amplio claustro de docentes, profesores universitarios, colaboradores externos y profesionales.
  • Una formación práctica que fomenta el trabajo colaborativo.
  • Un entorno de aprendizaje internacional y multicultural.
metodología formación online

Ventajas de la Formación e-Learning

Mayor flexibilidad, accesibilidad, reducción de tiempos de aprendizaje, compatibilidad de actividades… son algunas de las ventajas que tiene la formación e-Learning, tanto para estudiantes como para empresas.

  • Total libertad para estudiar desde cualquier lugar, a cualquier hora y dedicando el tiempo que estime oportuno a cada sesión.
  • Contenidos multimedia en formato web con textos, gráficos, fotografías, animaciones, vídeos y otros recursos didácticos.
  • Documentación completa en archivos PDF.
  • Comienza la formación en el momento en el que necesites.
  • Master Class de apoyo en horarios compatibles con el trabajo y siempre a tu disposición en diferido.
