ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems - Online course

METHOD: e-Learning | PRICE: 285€ 228€


On completion of the training program, participants will be awarded the Certificate of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Course. The Qualification is awarded by Bureau Veritas Business School.


The implementation of a quality management system under ISO 9001: 2015 is an investment and effort which is very profitable for organizations, as it gives them a competitive advantage over the others, as well as representing an improvement in their internal efficiency. The requirements of ISO 9001 are applicable to any company, regardless of size or activity.

It is important that all staff of the organization are involved in the Quality Management System as it is a very useful tool to enable the company to achieve the following benefits:

  • Improve its image by making it easier to meet deadlines and optimizing human and material costs.
  • Gaining market share thanks to the trust generated among customers and consumers.
  • Improve its efficiency, in turn increasing the motivation and stimulation of the staff heading a team project, reducing to a minimum the risk of not meeting its obligations before the client.
  • Measure the effectiveness of its management system in line with international standards through third party certification.
  • Establish the foundation through continuously improving their internal processes and strengthening the ability of the organization to achieve strategic goals.
  • Improve the rating for qualifying for tenders and grants.

Who the course is for

The Specialized Course in ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems is aimed at executives, middle managers or technicians, and all those professionals who wish to acquire the skills to manage the quality of an organization, implementing and maintaining a management system quality currently applicable to all types of companies and organizations, regardless of the sector they belong to, the activities they carry out or the number of employees they have.


That participants acquire the abilities, that is to say the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to plan, organize and implement an environmental management system based on the ISO 9001 Standard.

At the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • Understand and analyze the requirements of a Quality Management System.
  • Deepen their understanding of the Measuring, Analysis and Improvement Processes.

Course Contents

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems

  1. Analyze the Evolution of Quality Management Systems and their Principles.
  2. Understand the requirements for a Quality Management System and the Leadership and Commitment of Senior Management.
  3. Understand the Planning for a Quality Management System.
  4. Interpret Management of Resources - Support.
  5. Identify Requirements for Product Realization - Operation.
  6. Understand the Performance Evaluation and Improvement Processes.

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